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1. To order a package, click on"order" on one of the hosting packages (choose one according to the web space you want, the number of email addresses, the number of visitors you expect to reach, etc).
Don't hesitate to contact the sales department if you have any questions.
2. You will then need to choose your domain name and check that it is available when you place your order.
3. Once you have chosen the hosting package and the domain name, you will need to choose a configuration option for the domain. You can find out more about domain name options here
4. Confirm your order to proceed to the next step
5. If you are already a customer, you will need to enter all your contact details (surname, first name, postal address, valid email address....). You will also be able to define different billing details
6. The quote to be paid will then appear on the screen.
You can pay by credit card or PayPal.
Find out more about how to pay here
Orders are only confirmed once payment has been received:
Once your order has been confirmed, you will receive all the information you need to use it by email(Click here if you have not received anything).
It takes 6 hours to use your domain name / web hosting (maximum delay due to DNS propagation on the web), and less than 4 hours to use your VPS server or online backup / storage solution.
You can link a .ci or .paris domain name, for example, to hosting managed by LWS by ordering a cPanel pack only.
This feature is not available on hosting packages such as LWS PERSO or LWS STARTER.
You can now order shared hosting or a dedicated VPS server with LWS. Don't hesitate to contact our sales department if you need any further information before ordering.
Don't hesitate to share your comments and questions!
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