Simplify Your Email Management with Webmail on Nextcloud


Introduction to Webmail Features on Nextcloud

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Nextcloud's built-in webmail features. This documentation will help you take full advantage of webmail to manage your email conveniently and efficiently. With webmail integration, you can access your inbox directly from the Nextcloud interface, simplifying the management of your communications.

Setting up your personal email address on Nextcloud

To get started, make sure you have an active customer account with LWS and have set up a domain. Follow these steps to connect your personal email address to Nextcloud:

Step 1: Log in to the Nextcloud web application.

Step 2: Go to the "Webmail" or "Messaging" section.

Simplify Your Email Management with Webmail on Nextcloud

Step 3: Add your Nextcloud username, the email address whose emails you want to be able to view from Nextcloud, the password for this email address, then press "Connect".

Simplify Your Email Management with Webmail on Nextcloud

Step 3 bis: (optional) Click on "Manual" to manually configure the server settings (server, port, SSL, etc.).

Simplify Your Email Management with Webmail on Nextcloud

Step 5: Check the configuration and make sure the connection is working properly.

Practical use of Webmail on Nextcloud

Take advantage of the user-friendly features of webmail:

Step 1: Log in to the Nextcloud web application.

Step 2: Go to the "Webmail" or "Messaging" section. Access your inbox directly from Nextcloud.

Simplify Your Email Management with Webmail on Nextcloud

Then use the Nextcloud inbox as you would a normal inbox:

  • Write and send emails using the intuitive interface.
  • Organise your emails by creating, renaming and sorting folders.
  • Make your searches easier with efficient filtering and search options.
  • Manage your contacts by accessing your list directly from the interface.

Tips for efficient email management with Webmail

Optimise your email management experience with these tips:

  • Use labels to visually mark your e-mails.
  • Create automatic filtering rules to sort incoming email.
  • Configure automatic replies in the event of absence.

Solving Common Problems and Tips

If you have any problems, here are some tips on how to solve them:

  • Connection problems: check your email settings.
  • Mails not received: check your sorting and filtering rules.
  • Sending problems: check your SMTP configuration.
  • Mobile use: configure your e-mail address on your mobile device.


By using the webmail features on Nextcloud, you can simplify your day-to-day email management. Access your inbox directly from the familiar Nextcloud interface, and use the advanced options for efficient management. Stay connected, organised and communicate with confidence thanks to these integrated features. Enjoy the convenience of a smooth, secure messaging experience to enhance your business productivity. Find out more about Nextcloud's other communication features here. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team who are available to help.If you do not yet have an online storage plan or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage plan with advanced features, please see this documentation to place your order, and find information about Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro plans here.

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