How to view my website statistics on cPanel


What is AWStats?

Visualising statistics is an important task in assessing the popularity of your site. cPanel has an integrated AWStats tool that allows you to provide detailed graphs of visits to your website by analysing access log files.

How can I view my website statistics on cPanel?

To view your website statistics, you need to :

  • Connect to your cPanel
  • Go to the"Measures" section and click on"AWStats".

How to view my website statistics on cPanel

  • Then click on the "View" link to the right of your domain.

How to view my website statistics on cPanel

  • The statistics will be displayed on the following page:

How to view my website statistics on cPanel


You are now able to access your site statistics with your cPanel hosting with LWS. Your site statistics show you the number of visitors to your website every day.

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Questions sur l'article
JP Il y a 954 days
Bonjour, Y a t'il une possibilité d'exporter les données de Awstats sous la forme d'un tableau excel ? Cordialement
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 954 days
Bonjour, Je suis navré mais AWStats ne permet pas de téléchargement , que ce soit au format Excel ou dans un autre format, de ces statistiques.
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