Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login


Why should I reset my Wordpress password on cPanel?

If you've forgotten your password, you need to reset it. This tutorial suggests three methods for resetting your WordPress password:

  • Resetting the password by email
  • Resetting the password via the database(PhpMyAdmin)
  • Resetting your WordPress password via FTP

How do I reset my WordPress password by email?

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on the"Forgot password" button.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

2. Enter your WordPress username or your email address then click on the"Generate password" button.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

3. Within a few minutes, your new password will be sent to the email address associated with your WordPress user. If you haven't received it, check your spam folder.

How do I reset my WordPress password using PphpMyAdmin?

1. Log in to your client interface and click on the"Access cPanel" button.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

2. Go to the"Databases" section and click on the"PhpMyAdmin" button.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

3. Click on the table ending in"_users" to access all the connection identifiers.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

4. Click on the "Edit" tab in front of the login you wish to modify.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

5. Go to the"user_pass" line, select"MD5" (MD5 is a password hashing method), then enter your new password and click on the"Execute" button to save your new settings.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

How do you reset your password using FTP?

1. Log in to your cPanel management interface.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

2. Click on the"File Manager" button in the"Files" section to access FTP.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

3. Enter the path to your current theme in the field provided(example: /wp-content/themes/theme-name). Click the"Enter" key to access it.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

4. Click on the"functions.php" file and then on"Modify" to access the coding for this file.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

5. A pop-up window will open. Click on"Edit" to access the coding.

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

6. Place the following lines of code at the beginning of your file. Before making any changes, it's best to make a backup.

<?php $user_id = 1; $password = 'votrenouveaumdp'; // Set your password wp_set_password( $password, $user_id ); ?>

Wordpress Cpanel: lost administration login

Once you have changed the password, make sure you have removed the code to prevent your site from being hacked.


You can now reset your WordPress website password in several ways with LWS.

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Questions sur l'article
Mika Il y a 864 days
Comment puis-je retrouver mon identifiant LWS!!!!!
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 864 days
Bonjour, vous pouvez demander un nouveau mot de passe ainsi que votre identifiant en vous rendant sur la page suivante: https://panel.lws.fr/frperte.php et en y indiquant l'adresse email rattachée à votre compte client. Vous recevrez un premier email avec un lien à valider. Une fois le lien validé, un second mail vous sera envoyé avec votre identifiant et un nouveau mot de passe.
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