How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?


What is IPV6?

IPV6 is an addressing protocol used for all equipment connected to the Internet.

The IPV4 protocol used until now is facing a shortage of used IPV4 addresses given the growing number of devices connected.

As a result, the IPV6 protocol has been designed to connect billions of new devices.

How do I activate IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

To make it easy for you to switch to IPV6, we've implemented the IPV6 feature in the LWS Panel customer area.

This feature allows you to quickly and easily activate IPV6 on your dedicated VPS server by adding a dedicated IPV6.

IMPORTANT: If you are using IPV4 firewall rules in your .htaccess file or PHP scripts, you will need to adapt them to filter IPV6 as well.

1. Go to your LWS Customer Area

How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

2. Click on the"Servers" tab at the top of the page.

How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

3. Click on the"Manage" button behind the server for which you wish to activate IPV6;

How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

2. Click on the"IPV6 Option" icon.

How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

3. Tick"Enable", then Confirm.

How do I enable IPV6 on a dedicated VPS server?

Your IPV6 address will be set up on your dedicated VPS server within a few minutes.

How do I link a domain name to the IPV6 address of a dedicated VPS server?

First of all, check that you have not already activated IPV6 on your web hosting in the "Domain management" section, then "IPV6" (more information).

For your web and/or email service to point to your IPV6, you will need to declare this IP in your DNS zone by creating fields A, MX, SPF etc (depending on the services you wish to point to).
If your domain name is not managed by us, please contact the service provider who manages your domain name if you have any questions.

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Questions sur l'article
fredericmuffin Il y a 833 days
comment rediriger une ipv6 vers un sousdomaine
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 832 days
Bonjour, pour cela, rendez-vous sur votre espace client LWS, cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière le nom de domaine concernée puis sur "Zones DNS". Choisissez une Zone de type AAAA et mettez en nom , le début de votre sous domaine. Dans la partie "cliquez ici pour configurer", indiquez l'ipv6. Il vous faudra patienter 3 à 4 heures que la Zone DNS se propage et que le sous domaine soit bien fonctionnel.
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