How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?


What is an error page?

An error page informs you of any problems with your website or web hosting. This feature allows you to create personalised error pages. In the event of an error, your visitor will be redirected to the page affected by the error.

The most common errors are

  • Error 400 (Incorrect request): The request made by the client has not been understood by the server. This may be due to a syntax problem or a problem with your web browser.
  • Error 401 (Authorisation required): The request could not be completed because some of the files requested are password-protected.
  • Error 403 (Forbidden): The request was taken into account by the server, but the server refuses to send the real reason why the request was rejected.
  • Error 404 (Not found): The web address you are trying to view does not exist.
  • Error 500 (Internal server error): The server has encountered an unexpected condition that has unfortunately prevented it from processing the requested request. This is often due to a website configuration problem or a resource problem. You can find more information on the help related to error 500.

How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?

1. Log in to your cPanel account, scroll down the page and click on the "Error pages" icon.

How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?

2. Indicate the domain concerned and the error page you wish to customise

How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?

3. Enter the text you wish to display on this page, then click on the"Save" button.

How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?

The changes will be applied immediately.

You can modify your page at any time from this same section.

cPanel tutorial video: How do I create custom error pages in cPanel?

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You can now create custom error pages on your cPanel web hosting with LWS. These personalised error pages will ensure that you don't lose visitors in the event of an error on your website.

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Nattih Il y a 695 days
Bonjour, j'ai supprimer par erreur les dossiers de mon HTDOC, c'était suite à une erreur que je voulais corriger à la ligne 5 du fichier wp-config et dès lors je ne pouvais plus avoir accès, tout est parti sauf 3. que faire? et l'erreur 403 s'affiche.
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Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 687 days


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