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An email redirection allows you to redirect the emails you receive to one or more other addresses of your choice. In this way, you can communicate the email address attached to your site to your customers and receive your emails at your private address, for example. Email forwarding also allows you to keep a copy on the main mailbox.
1. Log in to your cPanel account, scroll down the page and click on the"Redirectors" icon.
2. This section allows you to :
Click on the "Add a redirector" button
3. Fill in the required fields then click on the "Add a redirector" button
All emails sent to the "monadresse@votredomaine.com" address will be redirected to the "monemailperso@gmail.com" address.
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You are now able to create an email forwarding from your cPanel web hosting with LWS. When you configure the email forwarding, it is immediately functional. You can also delete a redirect at any time.
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