How to change the site's graphic template from SiteBuilder Pro


What is a graphic template?

The graphic model is an essential element that should not be overlooked when creating a website. It is the image that your website will convey to your visitors.

SiteBuilder Pro offers you over 200 graphic templates that can be adapted to all types of website. Whether you decide to set up a showcase site, a blog or an online shop, you're sure to find the graphic theme that suits you on this website creation software.

You can test SiteBuilder Pro as well as the different graphic templates.

How do I change the graphic template for my site from the SiteBuilder Pro interface?

1. Log on to SiteBuilder Pro , click on the"New/Setup" tab and then on"Change template".

How to change the site's graphic template from SiteBuilder Pro

2. Choose the graphic template you want. You can choose a category,"Preview" or"Select" the theme you want.

How to change the site's graphic template from SiteBuilder Pro


You can now change your SiteBuilder Pro graphic template with your LWS shared hosting. When changing your graphic template, you may have to change the configuration of the elements you have already inserted on your website.

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Questions sur l'article
Donschesca Il y a 477 days
Bonjour LWS, j aimerai mettre un modèle graphique SITE EN CONSTRUCTION et en arrière plan configurer mon site internet avec mon modèle graphique souhaité. Comment faire cela?
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Jordan-LWS - Il y a 477 days


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We'd like to thank you for your message and inform you that we're sorry you didn't find our documentation for this purpose.

Indeed, it is entirely possible to change your password from your LWS Panel interface. To do so, please follow the instructions in our documentation:

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Dune Il y a 389 days
Bonjour, je souhaiterais apporter des modifications à mon site que j'ai depuis plus de 10 ans, comment faire? Je ne sais plus comment y accéder pour le modifier. Merci
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Jordan-LWS - Il y a 382 days


Je vous remercie pour votre message, s'il s'agit de notre ancien créateur de site internet, il suffira de se rendre sur votre site et d'insérer : /admin à la fin de l'adresse URL de votre site internet, suite à cela, il faudra s'authentifier et vous aurais la possibilité d'éditer votre site internet.

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