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1. To find out the configuration settings for your mailbox and the configuration ports, log in to your customer area.
2. Click on"Manage" behind the domain name concerned.
3. Click on"Email Administration".
4. Click on"Action" behind the email address for which you want to retrieve the configuration information, then on"Configuration parameters".
5. You will find the connection information at the top of the page:
The ports used are as follows:
Secure SSL/TLS settings (recommended) |
Non-SSL settings (NOT Recommended) |
Incoming server |
993 | 995 | - | 143 | 110 | - |
Outgoing server | - | - | 465 | - | - | 587 |
With the settings provided using the method above, you can configure LWS email addresses on any type of medium.
You can configure your email address on email software such asOutlook (2013 or 2016), Outlook 365, Apple Mail, Windows 8, 10 and 11 Mail, or Thunderbird to take advantage of the free software available on many platforms.
You can also configure your email address on mobile devices such as iPhones or IPad tablets, but also on the Android Gmail application or any other application.
If you have a Gmail address and would like to be able to view your LWS email address on the same interface, you can configure your address perfectly on the Gmail interface by following this documentation.
You are now able to find the settings for configuring your mailbox as well as the IMAP, POP3 or SMTP ports to enter when configuring your software. To configure your software, you can use the configuration procedures at the following address: https: //help.lws-hosting.com/en/email/outllook-thunderbird-iphone
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Je comprends que vous souhaitez obtenir les informations liées à la configuration de votre boite de messagerie et pour obtenir cela, rien de plus simple.
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Je vous remercie pour votre message.
Il est totalement possible de "lier" son adresse email LWS avec Gmail, pour cela, nous avons rédigé une aide en ligne qui vous permettra de réaliser cela :
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Cordialement, L'équipe LWS