Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers


What quotas are applied to dedicated servers?

Quotas (RAM memory, disk space, etc.) change regularly on our servers. Go directly to the sales site to check the latest values.

LowCost VPS servers

RAM memory 1 Gb 2 GB RAM 4 GB RAM 8 GB RAM
VSWAP SSD memory 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB 8 GB SSD
Disk space (SSD) included 15 GB 20 GB 30 GB 40 GB
Number of inodes 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000 1 000 000
Physical firewall rules (number of additional TCP/UDP ports) 20 20 20 20

Support on Low Cost VPS

On our Low Cost VPS packages, support is kept to a minimum. Our agents will check that our services, the hosting and the server (if it can be reached and is working) are working properly. However, as this type of server is not managed, we will not be able to help you install applications or debug performance problems linked to incorrect configuration settings you have made on the server.

How can I see the utilisation rate of a dedicated server?

1. Go to your LWS panel customer area

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

2. Click on the"Servers" tab at the top of the page.

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

3. Click on the"Manage" button behind the VPS package to access its administration:

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

2. Once you are in the administration area of your dedicated server, you can see the quota used in the right-hand column (see the image below for an example).

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

How do I upgrade my dedicated server package?

To increase your quota or to change your package, you need to change your package. For example, if you have a VPS S package, you need to upgrade to VPS M to increase the space allocated or the memory.

1. First of all, you need to log into your LWS customer area.

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

2. Click on the"Servers" tab at the top of the page.

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

3. Click on the"Manage" button behind the server for which you want to change the formula.

Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

4. Once inside, click on " Change formula " in the right-hand column of the dedicated server administration page.
Limits / quotas / Support for LowCost VPS Dedicated Servers

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