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phpBB is probably the most widely used forum creation tool on the Web!
With its powerful administration console, you can create forums and initial discussion topics to which your visitors can reply ad infinitum.
phpBB also manages a wide range of functions for creating and managing a community of visitors, customers or readers. This very popular software is a safe bet, benefiting from a large community of developers.
So it's easy to find help, new graphics, new features or tips and tricks to get the most out of it. A must-try for your personal or corporate site!
phpBB is included in all Linux hosting packages.
1. Log on to your web hosting administration space and click on LWS auto-installer
2. Choose phpBB (Before installing phpBB, you need to create a MySQL database, which is necessary for it to work properly) and click Install.
3. Indicate whether you want phpBB to be installed at the root of your site (at the base of your site) or in a folder. (If you want to display a shop window, for example)
4. Once the installation is complete. An email will be sent to you containing the phpBB connection parameters.
1. Enter your access details to connect to your phpBB administration(the connection details will be sent to you by email as soon as the installation is complete). The login form can be found on your site. It is possible that your phpBB is in a sub-domain. (More about sub-domains here).
2. Click on Administration Control Panel
3. In the left-hand menu, click on Manage users. In the search engine, enter"admin" or the user name you wish to change and click on the"Submit" button.
4. Choose your new username and password and click Send.
1. Enter your login details to connect to your phpBB administration (Default Username: admin and Password: admin). The login form can be found on your site. It is possible that your phpBB is in a sub-domain. (More about sub-domains here).
2. Click on Administration Control Panel
3. In the left-hand menu, click on Manage forums
4. Enter the name of your new Forum/Category then click on Create a new forum.
5. Enter the required information to finalise the creation of the Forum:
1. Enter your login details to connect to your phpBB administration (Default Username: admin and Password: admin). The login form can be found on your site. It is possible that your phpBB is in a sub-domain. (More about sub-domains here).
2. Click on Administration Control Panel
3. Re-enter your access details (default username: admin and password: admin). Then click on Login
4. Click on the Style tab in the top menu.
5. Click on the "Styles" tab in the left-hand menu of your phpBB board.
6. Choose your Style then click on Information
7. In Options , tick the Active box and set Make this the default style to Yes. Then click on Send.
To find out more about phpBB you can consult the official resources:
You are now able to automatically install your phpBB Forum and create your first forum with our PHPBB hosting or your LWS web hosting.
phpBB has been the leading forum creation tool for years. It has a powerful user management interface.
Don't hesitate to share your comments and questions!
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