Our SiteBuilder Pro packages


What is SiteBuilder Pro?

SiteBuilder Pro lets you create a professional website in just a few minutes. SiteBuilder Pro's intuitive interface makes it easy to learn, and it comes with a range of modules for creating your blog, your showcase site or your online shop.

Itsdrag-and-drop system will make your life easier when creating your website.

The SiteBuilder Pro packages are suitable for all types of website (e-commerce shops, blogs and showcase sites).

SiteBuilder Pro packages are suitable for beginners , professionals, individuals and SMEs.

SiteBuilder Pro packages offer everything you need to make your mark on the web:

  • FREE domain name (for .FR, .BE, .EU, .COM, .NET and .ORG domains)
  • Professional e-mail addresses

Details of our offers

Domain package SiteBuilder Pro S SiteBuilder Pro M SiteBuilder Pro L
Domain name FREE 0 1 1 2
Number of models 22 195 195 195
Disk space 10MB 100 GB 250 GB Unlimited space
Optimal bandwidth * 3 GB / month 45 GB / month 45 GB / month 45 GB / month
Web traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Number of pages 3 unlimited unlimited unlimited
Plugins 5 +45 +45 +45
Free image bank Our SiteBuilder Pro packages Our SiteBuilder Pro packages Our SiteBuilder Pro packages Our SiteBuilder Pro packages
E-commerce plugin - Our SiteBuilder Pro packages Our SiteBuilder Pro packages
SSL certificate - Our SiteBuilder Pro packages Our SiteBuilder Pro packages
Dedicated CPU and RAM resources - - Our SiteBuilder Pro packages

Can I import a site into SiteBuilder Pro?

It is perfectly possible to import a website into SiteBuilder Pro. SiteBuilder Pro software has a tab on its interface that allows you to import a website from any other website creation system with one click. Please note, however, that the result obtained will depend on the complexity of the imported site and its compatibility with the modules in the Site Builder Pro software. The import may not live up to your expectations, in which case you should correct the import errors manually.


You can now compare the different SiteBuilder Pro packages and make your choice. You can access the SiteBuilder Pro demo and start creating your website.

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Questions sur l'article
Jean Michel Il y a 935 days
bonjour, pour acceder au site créé, via le teléphone, y a t-il un procédé à suivre avant que cela ne fonctionne car pour l'instant appeler le site via le tel, cela ne donne rien j'ai peut-être pas tout lu !!!
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 933 days
Bonjour, que vous désiriez accéder à votre site par Ordinateur de Bureau, tablette ou téléphone portable, il n'y a aucune procédure à suivre. Il vous faudra indiquer l'URL sur le navigateur de votre téléphone portable pour que votre site s'affiche sur ce dernier. Il se peut en revanche, que vous soyez obligé d'optimiser votre site pour les téléphones mobiles. Pour cela, vous pouvez vous aider de la procédure suivante : https://aide.lws.fr/a/1445
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