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Email error messages are often difficult to understand for the uninitiated. This page will guide you through the error codes produced by email servers when your email fails to send.
Either you have made a mistake in the "user" section of your correspondent's address, or your correspondent's email account has been deleted.
Check the spelling, and if it was wrong, try sending again. You may also want to check that you haven't forgotten a full stop somewhere, or confused the hyphen in 6 with the hyphen in 8...
One or more recipients of your message have not received it. This error message is generally followed by another message of the type discussed below, containing the e-mail address(es) that caused the error.
Your correspondent's mailbox has been disabled, probably because he hasn't accessed it for a long time. All you have to do now is try to reach them by another means. They may be able to reactivate their mailbox simply by connecting to it.
Either you have made a spelling error in your correspondent's host, or your correspondent's "electronic postman" has broken down. Check the spelling of the host and try sending again.
It is also possible that your correspondent's host no longer exists. Check whether the corresponding website is still online.
You are trying to send a message which is too large (because of the attachment(s)) given the limits set by your e-mail system or by the recipient's system. If possible, send your attachments in several instalments, or use a service such as dl.free.fr.
Your correspondent's mailbox is full. All you have to do is send them a lighter message (without an image, for example) or phone them and ask them to delete messages from their inbox to free up space and be able to receive messages again...
You may receive this message without having written to anyone. In that case, your own e-mail account is saturated. Quickly go to your webmail to make room by deleting messages. Then, if you use email software (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.), you may want to adjust the "Keep messages on server" and "Delete messages from server after XX days" settings.
Your correspondent's "electronic mailbox" is not responding. Your message has therefore been waiting for 4 hours. New attempts will be made automatically and regularly for a total of 5 days (leave it and wait). After this period, your message will be deleted. You will then receive a new error message. You can then try to send a message again, hoping that your correspondent's "electronic postman" is operational again.
Your e-mail software is probably incorrectly configured (your sender address is misspelled at host level). Check, correct and try again.
Your host has probably been banned (perhaps temporarily) by your recipient's host for being too lenient with spammers. The easiest way is to write to your correspondent from another address (with a different host). You can also wait 4 hours (temporary ban, see Yahoo! explanations) and then try to send the message again using your original address.
Your message has been blocked and rejected, either because it looked like spam, or because your host has a reputation for sending spam. Try to modify the content of your message (simplify it, remove unnecessary links, etc.), or send it from an address with a different host.
You have probably sent the same message to many recipients (mailing), and unfortunately too many of the addresses are wrong. This situation is frequently encountered by spammers who do not keep their lists up to date. You are therefore suspected of spam and the electronic postman imposes a time delay on you.
You are now in a position to understand and resolve the problems of sending email on your web hosting with LWS.
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1mn reading
Error 553 sending mail: Sender address rejected not logged in
2mn reading
Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address
1mn reading
Error code L-MQS1
1mn reading
L-ABUSE error code