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This interface lets you configure the parameters of the Spam Filter (powered by Apache SpamAssassin) for your account. Spam filters identify and sort or delete unsolicited email. This interface also lets you configure your whitelist and blacklist settings.
You can access"Spam Filter" by going to your cPanel interface and clicking on"Spam Filter" in the"E-mail" section.
You can set "Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam " to active in order to examine each new message for spam characteristics and assign them a spam score.
The score is used to determine the likelihood of a message containing spam. The"Move New Spam to a Separate Folder (Spam Box)" and "Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete) " functions require "Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam" to be active .
You can define the antispam score by going to "Spam Threshold Score". Note that the lower the antispam score, the more aggressive it is. However, a higher value, such as 10, is passive and will only label as spam messages with a score higher than 10.
You can define a threshold for anti-spam using the following procedure:
Click on "Spam Threshold Score". You will be redirected to the interface for modifying the score.
Select the desired value from the menu and click on "Update Scoring options" to update the threshold.
To do this, activate "Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete)". This will send all emails considered to be Spam to a specific folder. This feature preserves emails that SpamAssassin may mistakenly classify as Spam.
You can empty the Spam Box folder or delete selected messages. To do this, click on "Spam Box" to be redirected to the relevant interface.
On this interface, you can configure the following settings:
You can request automatic deletion of emails considered to be spam. To do this, click on "Configure autodelete setting".
Activate automatic deletion of unwanted emails and specify the threshold value for automatic deletion.
You are now able to manage and use the Spam Filter tool available on your cPanel interface. You can change this configuration at any time to suit your needs.
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