How to send an SMS from the LWS API


What is an API and why use one?

API stands for "Application Programming Interface". It is a set of means used by a software application and/or platform to provide access to some of its functionality.

Nowadays, APIs are widely used on the internet, particularly by service or data providers, such as the SMS service.

Thanks to APIs, you can use your own script to send an SMS instantly or at a later time.

How to send an SMS using the LWS API

Send an SMS using a simple call:

To send an SMS quickly and easily, simply send an HTTPS request with its parameters to the following address:

The data to be replaced is as follows:

  • SMS_API_KEY: This is your API key, which you can access in the "SMS API" section of your SMS space.
  • RECIPIENT: This is the recipient's telephone number in international format
  • SenderID: This is your sender identifier
  • YOUR_MESSAGE: content of the SMS

Using the PHP API:

You can send an SMS using a PHP API:

<?php /* Prepare the variables */ /* API Url */ $gateway_url = ""; /* Action called via the API */ $action = "send-sms"; /* API key */ $apiKey = "Your API key"; /* Number to which the SMS will be sent * International format - example 33600000000 */ $to = "33600000000"; /* SenderID that will be displayed on the mobile phone. */ $senderID = "Your SenderID"; /* Encodes the SMS version of the message that will be sent */ $message = urlencode("This is a test message"); // Prepare the array of data for the API request $data = array('action' => $action, 'api_key' => $apiKey, 'to' => $to, 'from' => $senderID, 'sms' => $message, ); // Send the API request via cURL $ch = curl_init($gateway_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $get_data = json_decode($response, true); /* The return is processed.
 * get_data['code'] retrieves a code according to the success or error of the API * get_data['Message'] retrieves the message Success or explanation of the error.
 */ if($get_data['code'] === 'ok'){ echo 'The SMS was sent successfully'; } else { echo 'Error code : '.$get_data['code'].' -- '.$get_data['message']; } ?>
  • Your API key: This must be the API key you generated on the SMS platform.
  • The recipient's telephone number: This is the number of the recipient of the SMS message.
  • Your Sender Name: This is your SenderID, which can be created on the SMS platform
  • Your message: The message you are going to send by SMS

Possible error codes :

100: Problem with the operator;
103 : Invalid telephone number;
105 : Use of a prohibited word;
106 : SenderID invalid or not validated;
107 : SMS typing problem;
112: Number blacklisted or API not available;

How to send a deferred SMS from the LWS API

Send an SMS using a simple call:
  • SMS_API_KEY: Must be replaced by your API key
  • DESTINATORY: Must be replaced by the recipient number of the message
  • SenderID: must be replaced by your sender name
  • YOUR_MESSAGE: must be replaced by your message
  • DATE_TIME: Must be replaced by the date and time of sending. You can convert the date and time by visiting the Timestamp site.

Presentation of the LWS API functions linked to the SMS platform


You can now create your own API using the LWS SMS platform. You can use an API to send an SMS instantly or at a later time. The API will also allow you to see how much credit is left on your account.

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Delor98& Il y a 945 days
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Il n est fait mention nulle part des parametres pour gerer les reponses SMS avec une URL de traitement
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Merci de votre retour.

Actuellement notre plateforme SMS, ne permet seulement d'envoyer des messages, les réponses à vos SMS ne seront pas récupérer et donc vous ne pourrez pas les traiter. C'est un système omnidirectionnel.

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