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SiteBuilder Pro, like Prestashop, allows you to sell your products and services via your website. SiteBuilder Pro has a "Shopping Cart" module and a payment module built into the software, so you can start selling your products online quickly and easily.
While being quick to install, your customers will have a reliable and secure site to make their purchases. With just a few clicks, you canactivate SSL security for your entire website.
SiteBuilder Pro has around ten active payment methods, including Paypal, Skrill and many others that you can easily activate and configure.
SiteBuilder Pro lets you create an online shop using the SiteBuilder Pro M package.
To create an online shop, you first need to connect to your website administration.
1. Click on the"Commerce" tab in the toolbar of your website.
2. Click on the"Commerce" tool to select the tool for the online shop.
3. To modify the configuration of your online shop, click on the stylus on the right-hand side of the element and then on"Properties".
4. The"Modify item" section allows you to add and remove products from your online shop. To add a product, click on the"Add an item" tab. You can add the name of the product, a category, a description and an image of your product. You can modify the product sheet by clicking on the product name.
5. The"Settings" section lets you change the actual size of the image and the thumbnail. You can also change the currency in the same place.
6. The"Style" section of the configuration window for your online shop lets you change the font and font size.
4. The"Filter" section of your online shop configuration window lets you set up a search window and sort products by price.
You are now ready toinsert an online shop on your site created with SiteBuilder Pro. SiteBuilder Pro will enable you to activate ten or so of the most common payment methods in just a few minutes.
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1mn reading
How do I add a shopping basket to SiteBuilder Pro?
1mn reading
How do I insert a payment method into SiteBuilder Pro?
Merci de votre retour.
Malheureusement, cela n'est possible.
Le module de boutique en ligne de SiteBuilderPro est assez restreint, et n'est pas vraiment utile pour créer un site de commerce de grande envergure. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser un CMS comme Prestashop ou Wordpress avec un module Woocommerce permettant la création de boutique en ligne.
Je vous remercie de votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.
Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés quelconques. (https://aide.lws.fr/a/268)
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS
Je vous remercie pour votre message.
Les modèles présents sur l'application SiteBuilderPro sont Responsive. C'est-à-dire que le contenu s'adapte en fonction de la taille de l'écran d'affichage pour que les éléments restent confortables à regarder par le visiteur.
Pour mettre en place ce type de pratique, je vous invite à consulter cette documentation.
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS