How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?


What is the "upload_max_filesize" value?

The purpose of this value is to define the maximum size of a file to be uploaded. This value is generally set to 2MB maximum.

What is the "Max_execution_time" value?

This limit is used to define a maximum time for executing a script. If this time is exceeded, the script automatically stops and returns an error.

How do I modify max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

1. Log on to your cPanel management interface, go to the"Software" section and click on the"Select a PHP version" tab.

How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

2. Select the"Options" tab.

How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

3. First check the box next to"file_uploads" to authorise file uploads.

How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

4. You can change the max_execution-time value in the field provided (1).

5. The "max_file_uploads" option (2) allows you to set the number of files to be published simultaneously in HTTP.

How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

4. The option below allows you to modify the "post_max_size" value, changes are instantaneous, there is no button to validate modifications.

How do I change max_upload_size and max_execution_time on cPanel?

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