How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension



This tutorial will explain how to migrate your website from a local installation to your LWS hosting, or from one server to another, using the All-In-One WP Migration plugin as an extension.

How to migrate a site using the All-In-One Migration extension

Step 1: Export your current site

  1. Install the All-in-One Migration plugin from the "extensions" -> "Add" section of the Wordpress site you want to move
  2. Select All-in-One Migration from the Wordpress side menu and click Export
  3. In the Export to menu , choose: File

How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension

3 The backup of your site will be generated, click Download and save the file to your computer.

How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension

Step 2: Import the backup into your new Wordpress site

Install a blank Wordpress site on your hosting

- on LWS Standard Linux

- on formula cPanel

  1. Install the All-in-One Migration module from the "extensions" -> "Add" section of the Wordpress site
  2. Select All-in-One Migration from the Wordpress side menu and click Import
  3. In the Import From menu , choose File and select the file previously saved on your computer.

How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension

3. In the next window click on Continue

How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension

4. If all goes well, the confirmation message below will be displayed. Click Finish to close the dialogue box.

How to migrate a site with the All-in-One Migration extension


You now know how to move a website using the All-in-One Migration extension.

Note that this procedure may fail if your hosting has a Memory-Limit value that is too low and your site is too large. In this case, you will need to perform a manual migration by following this documentation

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