How do you manage your Magento online shop?


How do you manage your Magento online shop?

1. Connect to your Magento online shop administration dashboard.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

2. Once you have logged in to your online shop administration panel, you will see the default administrative table. This table allows you to quickly view your best sales, most popular products, new customers and your turnover.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

How do I view my online sales?

Under the"Sales" tab, you can view your orders, invoices, deliveries, credit notes and all the transactions carried out on your online shop.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

This tab also allows you toapply mass actions to orders (cancelling or suspending an order, for example). You can also check the details of each order placed. However, it should be noted that Magento 2 no longer allows you to modify an existing order. To do so, you need to cancel the order and create a new one.

How do you add product categories to your online shop?

1. In order to add products, you first need to create your different categories. To create a category, click on the"Catalog" menu and then on"Categories".

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

2. You will need to fill in the form to add the category. It is filled in as follows:

  • Enable Category: allows you to put your new category online or not
  • Include in Menu: Allows you to insert the category in the menu of your website.
  • Category Name: Choose the name of your category

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

3.Content: Allows you to define an image for your category and insert a description.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

4. The"Display Name" section allows you to define whether it is a product or a static block. It also allows you to define the product currency.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

5. Magento allows you to define a description, keywords and a description for each product category. The"Search Engine Optimization" section must be completed in order to increase the referencing of your online shop, as well as the number of sales.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

6. Once all the forms have been completed, click on the"Save" button to save your category.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

How do you add products to your Magento online shop?

1. Click on"Catalog" in the menu of your Magento dashboard and then on"Products".

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

2. Click on the "Add Product" button.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

3. Fill in the form to add the product as follows:

  • Enable Product: Allows you to make your product visible or not on your online shop.
  • Product Name: This is the name of your product
  • SKU: Your product reference number
  • Price: Allows you to add a selling price to your product
  • Quantity: Allows you to add an available quantity for the product concerned.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

4.Content: Allows you to add a short or long description of your product.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

5. You can insert images or videos. To do this, go to the"Images and Videos" section.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

6. As with the categories, the"Search Engine Optimization" section allows you toadd a meta description, keywords and a title to your product.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

Once you have filled in all the information on the form, click on the"Save" button to save your product.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

How do I manage my customers?

Under the"Customers" tab you can find the"All Customers" and"Now Online" options.

  • All Customers: gives you a list of all your customers
  • Now Online: This allows you to see your customers who are currently online in your online shop.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

What is the Marketing tab for?

Magento provides by default a complete pack of marketing tools.

This tool allows you to do the following:

  • Add catalogue and price rules to be triggered when a certain condition is met.
  • Generate individual and group prices and discount codes for other promotional campaigns
  • Add, customise and schedule newsletters
  • Publish RSS feeds
  • Activate social integration and configure your Facebook shop

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

What is the Content tab for?

The Content menu lets you manage the content and design of your online shop. Choose the parameters for adding, customising and deleting CMS pages and widgets. Go to this section if you want to install and configure a theme or schedule automatic changes to your current theme.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

What is the purpose of the Report tab?

The 'Reports' tab lets you view the activity logs for your online shop. Thanks to this section, you can view your customers' opinions, consult sales reports and your website statistics.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?

How does the Stores tab work?

The Stores tab lets you configure your entire Magento online shop, including taxes, currencies and product attributes.

How do you manage your Magento online shop?


You can now manage your Magento online shop on shared hosting with LWS. You can also add new product categories and new products. You can also check orders and view your customers.

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