How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?


Install myLittleAdmin on Plesk

1. You will need to download the myLittleAdmin archive from this address, then unzip it using software such as winrar for example:

2. Create a directory by clicking on"Virtual directories".

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

3. Then click on"Create a virtual directory".

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

4. Enter the name of your choice (which in my case will be myLittleAdmin) and click"Ok".

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

5 Transfer all the files you have extracted via FTP and then transfer them to the new folder you created in step 4.

6) Go to your file manager:

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

7. Go to the folder you have just created (in this case, it is called "myLittleAdmin"):

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

8. Go to your bin folder:

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

9. Select all the files and click on"Copy":

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

10. Copy all the files you have selected into the"cgi-bin" folder, then click "Ok".

How do I install myLittleAdmin on Plesk?

11. You will then be able to connect to myLittleAdmin via this type of url: http: // (the url will need to be adapted according to your domain name and the virtual directory you have created).


  • What are the differences between the free and paid versions of myLittleAdmin?

All the differences between these two versions can be found in this article: MyLittleAdmin features

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