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We have made it possible to download the various contact lists from the old platform, which will save a file compatible with the new platform.
With these files, you can recreate your contact lists in just a few clicks.
1. Log on to your SMS management interface, click on"Recipients" and then on"Add recipients". On the right, click on"Export a list of recipients".
2. A window will open with different buttons for each list created on your account, which will automatically start downloading your lists by clicking on them.
1. Log on to the new platform and go to Contact and Phonebook to create a phonebook if you haven't already done so.
2. then go to "Import contacts" in the left-hand menu. Click on"Browse" in the"Import number" section and select the file you want to download from the old platform.
3. Once it has been loaded, you can designate the elements of each contact linked to the column in the loaded table. You can assign the customer's first and last name, email address, telephone number and company. In the last list, choose the directory into which you want to import the contacts.
4. Once everything is set up correctly, click on the Add button.
You are now able to create your directories and add phone contacts to your SMS plan. You can add or remove contacts at any time.
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