How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube


How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

If you have a Gmail account, it's easy to transfer .csv contacts to your Rouncube webmail.
All you have to do is download the CSV file from your Gmail account, then import it into Rouncube. This tutorial shows you the detailed steps.

How to export contacts in CSV from Gmail

To export your contacts from your Gmail account, follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign in to your Gmail account.
Step 2: Click on the large letter Gmail in the top left corner under the Google logo to get the drop-down list.

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

Step 3: Click on Contacts, then on the More menu and select Export from the drop-down menu.

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

Step 4: Select Google CSV and click the Export button.

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

Save the file on your computer and connect to your Roundcube webmail.

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

Click on the Contacts icon located on the Roundcube toolbar

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

Then on Import

How to import CSV contacts into Roundcube

  1. Click on the Browse button and choose the CSV file from your computer
  2. This option allows you to choose if you want to import the list into a specific contact group.
  3. Check this option if you wish to replace the current list

Then click on the Import button to add your contact list


In this tutorial you have learnt how to import CSV contacts into your Roundcube webmail. Once all your contacts have been imported, you can send an e-mail to a contact group and benefit from an incredible reach for your campaign.

Don't hesitate to contact our technical department via an incident ticket if you have any questions.

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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 911 days
La synchronisation de contacts entre votre compte Outlook et votre iPhone ou iPod touch Apple nécessite Apple iTunes. Vous pouvez spécifier les éléments qui sont synchronisés pendant un processus de configuration unique. Je vous invite pour cela, à suivre la procédure suivante :,de%2C%20puis%20cliquez%20sur%20Outlook.
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