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When creating your website, search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of the most important steps not to be neglected.
It is what will enable you to position your website in the top results of search engines. Gaining a position in the first few Google pages will enable you to rapidly increase your website's profile.
There are two types of search engine optimisation: SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEA (Search Engine Advertising).
If you want your site to appear in search engines such as Google, you don't necessarily have to subscribe to a paid search engine optimisation package. Your site can benefit from natural search engine optimisation (SEO).
SEO is a set of techniques used to position a website in search engines so that it is visible to Internet users. There are 3 main pillars of SEO:
In fact, it takes between 4 and 6 months to appear in the search engines. But don't forget that this is when you start to see results, and this increases over time.
LWS has a specialised SEO department, and we can offer you a range of services to increase your traffic. Search engine optimisation is carried out by one of LWS's partners.
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If you want faster referencing, then go for SEA.
This is one of the ways of achieving rapid positioning on targeted keywords and generating traffic. SEA is a system that aims to place an advertisement in a prominent position on search engines, in the paid section.
The search engine Google is offering an "Adwords" coupon worth 75 euros to every customer who signs up for hosting with LWS.
To take advantage of this offer, you must have spent €25 with Google within 31 days of inserting your coupon.
When people search on Google, they use keywords. Based on these keywords, Google offers natural search results, but also commercial links related to the queries made by Internet users. Google AdWords allows you to create your own commercial links and display them on the results page to Internet users searching for your products or services.
SEA allows you to run a limited campaign. For example, for seasonal offers or a product launch. SEO, on the other hand, builds brand awareness and user confidence, while SEA addresses short-term issues.
With LWS, you can now list your website on the main search engines.
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