How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac



In this documentation, we will look in detail at the different methods and tools available for importing data into Outlook, as well as exporting data from Outlook to other destinations or for backup. Whether you want to migrate to a new instance of Outlook or need to back up your critical information, this documentation will guide you through the process step-by-step, with clear explanations and practical advice to optimise your user experience.

I. Prerequisites

  • Microsoft Outlook version 16 or higher (see part II - A) :
  • A Microsoft e-mail address or any other address configured in Outlook
  • An LWS e-mail address

II. Outlook configuration

A. Checking your Outlook version

To check which version of Outlook you have, follow these steps :

  1. Launch the Outlook application from your macOS dock
  2. Go to: "Outlook ⇾ about Outlook", then a window will open and you will be able to check the version of your software, in my case here, we are in version 16.77.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

B. Checking the legacy version of Outlook

There are two types of version on macOS, a legacy version (the one we're looking for) and a new version that doesn't have the features we need for our import/export.

To do this, follow these steps:

1. Go to: "Outlook ⇾ New Outlook", here you need to check that this line is not ticked, if it is Click on it

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

2. In the new window, click on "Reset".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

3. The new interface should look like this. If yours does, then everything has gone according to plan.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

[tips_success]Our version of Outlook is now correctly configured and ready to use[/tips].

III. Export

We can now start exporting our data. To begin, I invite you to go to the Outlook application. We'll be able to export contacts as well as emails.

[tips_warning]Exporting data to the Mac encompasses all the data present on the machine, it is not possible to select the email addresses concerned, so if you have a large number of accounts the export may take some time. It's also a good idea to disable automatic updateson your Mac to avoid unintentional restarts[/tips].

Trucs et astuces

If you want to continue working without disruption and you have a second computer at your disposal, we recommend that you use it, moreover with a connection-sharing mobile phone to avoid any interruptions to the process, if your mobile package allows you a significant amount of data, of course. Depending on the volume of data to be exported, you can also opt to export at night or at weekends if you don't have to work


Once you've taken these factors into account, I suggest you follow these steps

1. Click on "File" then "Export".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

2. In the new window, tick "Mail" and "Contacts".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

3. Once the items have been selected, click on "Continue".

4. In the new window with several fields, type the name of the file in "Save as" then select "Where", select your directory then click "Save".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

5. A new window will open showing the export in progress. You will need to wait for the export to complete. Once completed, a message with a tick and the text "Your data has been exported" will appear, simply confirm with "Finish".

Depending on the amount of data on your address, this will take more or less time, so please be patient and do not interrupt the export

Now you can import your data to another Mac or another Outlook email account

IV. Importing

We're now going to carry out the steps involved in importing to another Outlook or another address in the same Outlook.

To begin, go to the Outlook application and follow these steps:

1. Click on "File" ⇾ "Import" and select "Outlook archive file for Mac (.olm)" then confirm with "Continue".

How to export/import Outlook data from a MacHow to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

2. In the new window, you will need to target the file previously exported and click on "Import".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

3. A progress window will appear; you will need to be patient depending on the volume of data to be imported, so it is important not to interrupt this process.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

4. Once the import is complete, click on "Finish" and you should have a new folder in the "On my computer" tab, in this case "RestoreLWS OLM".

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

5. Delete the address folders not affected by the import if you don't want to keep duplicate or useless data.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

6. Now copy the necessary data present locally on your Mac to the email address so that the data can synchronise with the server.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

7. In the search field, enter: "INBOX" then select the email address concerned in this format: nom@domaine.ext/INBOX. Then press "Copy" to confirm.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

8. We'll check that the data has been copied correctly to the server by connecting to Roundcube webmail, and we'll see that the data has been transferred.

Depending on the volume of data, it may take more or less time to transfer, and it is important to keep your email software active for the transfers to take place

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

9. Your contacts will also be available in the "On my computer" section under "Contact". Unfortunately, you won't be able to import them to your email address using this method for the time being.

How to export/import Outlook data from a Mac

Now you can view your data on another Mac or another Outlook email account


In conclusion, this comprehensive guide to importing and exporting data on Outlook for macOS offers a clear and detailed approach to the processes involved in efficiently migrating or backing up your vital information. Through step-by-step instructions and practical advice, this document covers everything from checking your Outlook version to handling exported and imported files.

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