How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?


What is a companion domain name?

A companion domain name is an additional domain name that allows you to associate additional domains to your web hosting space. Thanks to this tool, you can assign a domain name to the directory of your choice on your hosting space.

This feature lets you configure new domain names, each with its own projects or site. A new folder is created on your web hosting and all you have to do is place the files for your new site in this directory. Each of your sites will be completely independent.

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to configure additional domain names on LWS web hosting. There are two steps involved:

The first step: add the domain as an additional domain in cPanel

The second step: change the DNS servers of our domain to those of the cPanel server.

How do I create a companion domain in cPanel?

Before starting to create your additional domain(s), we advise you to check these two prerequisites:

Requirement 1: The additional domain name you are going to create must exist (you must have purchased it from a registrar beforehand). If this is not the case, click here to register a domain name.

Prerequisite 2: The additional domain name you want to create must be associated with the IP address of your cPanel account (by using the DNS servers of your cPanel package or by editing the existing DNS zone of your additional domain): you must therefore first of all change the DNS servers of the domain name you want to add as an additional domain, in order to indicate the DNS servers of your cPanel web hosting (indicated in your delivery email and in your customer area) we will see this manipulation in the second step of this tutorial.

First step: adding the additional domain to cPanel

1. To begin, go to your customer area and log in to your cPanel account.

Scroll down the page and click on the "Additional domains" icon as shown below.

How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?

2. To add a new domain name, complete the add form:

  • Enter the domain name you wish to associate with your cPanel account (1)
  • Enter the root path associated with your additional domain name (2)
  • Click on the "Add a domain name" button (3) to confirm the addition.

How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?

Possible errors

  • The domain "" already exists in the user data: this means that the additional domain you want to add is already associated with another cPanel account on the same server. You will therefore need to delete the additional domain on the cPanel account with which it is already associated, before you can associate it with a new cPanel account.

Step 2: Change the DNS servers for our domain

Now we need to change the DNS servers (nameservers) for your domain name to those of the cPanel server so that the DNS records for your domain name can be managed from the cPanel server. To do this, you will need to retrieve the DNS servers for your cPanel package and indicate them as the DNS server for your additional domain in the DNS Server Management section of your LWS Panel.

If your additional domain name is registered with another registrar, you will need to make these changes with your registrar.

The DNS servers to be set up are displayed after your domain name has been added to the cPanel interface:

How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?

Go to the LWS customer area to manage your additional domain name. In the additional domain name management interface, click on DNS Servers.

How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?

Specify the DNS servers for your cPanel package after selecting "Other servers":

How do I create an additional domain in cPanel?

Once you have entered the DNS servers, click on the Validate button to confirm the change.

Note that any DNS change requires a DNS propagation delay that can take up to 24 hours, so you'll need to be patient after performing this operation for the changes to take effect.

cPanel video: How do I create a companion domain in cPanel?

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Deleting an existing additional domain name

If you want to delete an additional domain name that already exists, you can find the list of domains configured on your hosting space in the table available from the "Domains" icon in your customer area. You can then click on the "Delete " button associated with the domain name you wish to delete.


You now know how to create and modify additional domain names on your cPanel web hosting! Additional domain names are very useful for creating several different websites on the same web hosting. You'll be able to enjoy several websites on your cPanel hosting.

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