How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?



Welcome to this detailed documentation on creating a professional email address with LWS. This guide will help you establish a professional online presence with a professional email address.

I. Before you start

Before explaining the process of creating a professional email address, you need to make sure that you have a Pro email service previously ordered from your customer area and that you have a limit on the number of Pro email addresses you can create new addresses for.

To carry out these checks, follow these steps:

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting or mail service for which you want to create professional email addresses.

If you don't have any products listed in the"other services" tab, you will first need to purchase a Mail Pro service with a sufficient number of email addresses to suit your needs.

If you have already placed an order for a Mail Pro service associated with the domain name you want, then you need to access the domain name to check that you have enough email addresses to create new ones.

Step 2: Access your mail service management by clicking on the"Mail Administration" icon in the"Administering your Mail Pro service" section.

How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?

Step 3: You can check the number of email addresses used and the number of email addresses still available for your Pro mail service by looking at the quotas displayed at the top right of your email management.

How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?

If you still have email addresses available, then you can move on to the next step, which will allow you to create your own email address.

If, on the other hand, you no longer have any quotas available, we invite you to follow the "How to order a Pro email address for a domain managed by LWS" section of this documentation in order to purchase new addresses.

II. How do I create a Pro Email address?

If you had to recommend email addresses, return to the administration of your Pro email addresses by following the steps in part "I. Before you start" section of this documentation.

Then follow these steps to create a new email address:

Step 1: in the"Create email address" block, fill in the following information:

  • Enter the suffix of the email address, i.e. enter the text that will make up your email address before the "@domaine.ext" part. For example: contact, management, sales, surname.firstname, etc...
  • Enter a password of your choice that meets security requirements or generate a password by clicking on the"Generate" button.
  • Confirm the password if you have not chosen to use the generator.
  • Enter the quota allocated to your email address from the list of available quotas. For an email address to be considered by our system as a Pro email address, you must choose one of the following options: Mail S, Mail M or Mail L.

How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?

Step 2: click on "Confirm".

If you choose to enter your own password, you must ensure that it complies with the following rules in order to be accepted:

  • it must be between 10 and 15 characters long
  • it must contain at least one special character from the following list only - ! * $ @ % _
  • at least 1 number between 0 and 9
  • at least one lower-case letter
  • at least one uppercase letter

Step 3: A dialog box is displayed to confirm that the email address has been created. If an error appears, check that you have entered the information indicated in Step 2.

How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?

Then click on "OK". Your email address should now appear in the list of emails created with the Type: Mail Pro.

How do I create a Pro email address in your LWS customer area?


Congratulations, you've gone through all the necessary steps to create a professional email address with LWS. Thanks to this guide, you've been able to establish a reliable and professional online presence. Using these instructions, creating an email address is no longer a challenge, but an opportunity to expand your digital presence. Make the most of your new business email address and explore all the opportunities it has to offer.

[tips_related_readings]Manage and configure your email address from the LWS Panel
Advanced configuration of your email address with Roundcube[/tips]

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Questions sur l'article
jordimael Il y a 658 days
Bonsoir quand je veux creer mes adresses mails je vois une notification qui demande de reinitialiser mon dns car il ne pointe pas vers mon serveur mail lws
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 655 days


Merci de votre retour.

Pour votre cas, vous avez opté pour une formule mail pro sans avoir la gestion de votre domaine chez LWS.

Dans la zone DNS de votre domaine, vous avez paramétré le Mx suivant :

Alors quand vous vous trouvez sur la page de gestion de vos adresses, le robot va check vos DNS et va essayer de chercher "mail.domaine.ext" pointant vers l'IP du serveur mail. S'il ne le trouve pas (ce qui est votre cas) alors, il va afficher cette notification.

Si vous souhaitez ne plus l'avoir, alors je vous invite à paramétrer un champ de type A, pour nom "mail" avec la valeur de l'IP de votre serveur mail.

Et ensuite changer le MX avec pour valeur : mail.votre-domaine.ext

Je vous remercie de votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés sur cette manipulation. (Contacter le support LWS)

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS 

Utile ?
Mline Il y a 391 days
L'adresse mail pro créée ne fonctionne pas et je ne comprends pas pourquoi
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 391 days


Je vous remercie pour votre message.

Je suis désolé de l'inconfort que vous rencontrez avec l'utilisation de votre adresse de messagerie PRO.

Malheureusement, je ne pourrais vous apporter une réponse générique et je vous inviterais à nous contacter depuis l'espace client afin que nous trouvions une solution ensemble.

Dans l'attente, je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information. Vous pouvez nous contacter depuis votre espace client ou directement depuis cette page

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS.


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