How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?


What is the DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a service that translates a domain name into various types of information associated with it, in particular the IP address of the machine bearing that name.

How do I create a DNS with my VPS?

In this article, we'll look at how to create a primary DNS server on your VPS.

There are 4 steps to follow:

  1. Create the DNS zone
  2. Authorisation to transfer the DNS zone to a secondary DNS
  3. Configure the secondary DNS server
  4. Updating the DNS servers on your domain name

How do I create a DNS zone on ISPConfig?

The zone is created using a wizard. Once you are connected to the ISPConfig control panel, go to the " DNS " tab (1), the " Zones " menu (2) in the " DNS " section and select " Add new DNS Zone with Wizard " (3).

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Fill in the form as follows (don't forget to replace the domain name andIP address):

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

  • Domain: the domain name to associate with your VPS server. Here, " ". Do not include " www. ", " http:// " or " https:// ", as these elements are not part of your domain name.
  • IP address: the dedicated IP address of your VPS server. You can see this in the delivery email for your VPS package and in your customer area.
  • NS 1: the name of the primary DNS server, which is the host name of your VPS server (
  • NS 2: the name of the secondary DNS server. Since you will be using the secondary DNS server provided by LWS, please enter " ".
  • Email: the email address of the site administrator, which will appear on the DNS SOA record in the DNS zone.

Then click on " Create the DNS record ". Your DNS zone is now available on your VPS server:

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

How do I authorise the transfer of the DNS zone to a secondary DNS server?

You now need to authorise the transfer of your DNS zone to the secondary DNS server " ". To do this, click on your DNS zone " " and then on the " Zone settings " tab (1). Add the IP address " " in the field " Authorise zone transfers to
these IPs
" and " Notify also " (2):

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

How do you add your domain name to the secondary DNS server provided by LWS?

Once you have created the DNS zone for your domain name on your VPS server and authorised the transfer of this DNS zone to the IP address of the secondary DNS server provided by LWS, you now need to add the DNS zone on " ".

To do this, go to the administration area of your VPS server and click on " Secondary DNS ".

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Add the domain name you want to link to the secondary DNS and click"Submit" to save your request.

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

How do you set up the new DNS servers on your LWS domain name?

The last step is to change the configuration of your domain name. You need to indicate to it the new DNS servers that we have just configured. To do this, log in to your customer area.

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Click on"Manage" behind the domain name you want to configure.

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Click on the " DNS Servers " button in the " Domain Management " section to edit the DNS servers associated with your domain name.

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Tick the " Other servers " box and enter the following details:

  • DNS server 1: vpsXXXXX.serveur-vps. net (This is the host name of your VPS server).
  • DNS server 2:

How do I create a DNS server in ISPConfig on a dedicated VPS server?

Once the changes have been validated, you will receive an email within 1/2 hour telling you whether the modification has been taken into account or not. If it has been rejected, check that you haven't made any mistakes by rereading the previous steps.

Video procedure

How do I check my DNS?

Within 24 hours, DNS propagation has had time to take place and you can test your new DNS server. The easiest way to do this is to go to the Whatsmydns website and enter your domain name.

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