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Each browser's internet cache keeps a record of the pages visited. So if you change your site and go online without first clearing your browser's internet cache, you may still see the old page displayed.
1. click on the "Customise and control google chrome" button on the right of the browser and then click on settings
2) Then click on the button "Show advanced settings...".
3. In the"Confidentiality" section, click on the "Delete browsing data" button.
4. A pop-up window will appear, click on "Delete browsing data".
1. click on the "Open menu" button on the right of the browser, then select the "Preferences" tab
2. Select the "Privacy" section and click on the link "Clear your recent history".
3. A popup window will open, click on "Delete now".
1. click on the "Safari" menu and then on "Empty cache ".
2. Click on the "Empty" button
You can now empty the cache of Chrome, FireFox and Mac OS browsers. This action allows you to delete all the pages stored in memory on your web browser.
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