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cPanel allows you to choose between different PHP versions for each of the domain names you are going to host on your web space.
The versions currently available are as follows
For each PHP version, you can add and/or remove PHP modules.
1. Connect to your cPanel hosting space, go to the"Software" section and click on"Select a PHP version".
2. In the drop-down menu, choose the PHP version you want for your sites and click on the"Set as current" button. You can also add modules to your PHP via the list below the drop-down menu.
You can now change the PHP version on your cPanel web hosting with LWS. Be careful, if you change PHP version when you already have a website in production, it may no longer display.
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Vous pouvez retrouver la procédure pour configurer une version PHP différente sur chaque sous-domaine ou domaine compagnons configurés sur votre formule cPanel en suivant cette documentation : https://aide.lws.fr/a/1281
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS