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It is important to create a backup of your site in Plesk when it is set up and to create backups regularly. This allows you to restore your website quickly if necessary (error when updating your site or installation of a non-compatible module, for example). It is advisable to create several backups of your website.
Plesk lets you do this:
1. Connect to your Plesk management interface.
2. Click on the"Backup Management" tab on the right-hand side of your screen.
3. Click on the "Backup" button.
4. You can choose several types of backup:
Once you have selected the type of backup you require, click on the"Ok" button to start backing up your site.
You are now able to back up your website via your interface with your Plesk LWS hosting. It is advisable to back up your site regularly so that you can restore it quickly if necessary.
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