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Email addresses play a crucial role in most web projects. With LWS as your hosting provider, you can easily increase the number of email addresses available to meet your growing needs.
There are essentially two ways to increase the number of email addresses available on your LWS Panel email service. In the following, we will explain these two options in detail. The choice between one or the other will depend on the number of email addresses to be added and the costs associated with each change.
If you want an email address with more than 5 GB of storage space, then opt directly for the solution of ordering a Pro email address.
If this is not the case, depending on the number of email addresses to be added, ordering a Pro email address may be less expensive than changing your package.
Also think about the future and your future needs. It's easier to cancel a Professional email address than to switch to a smaller hosting package.
Each hosting package has a specific number of email addresses. The number of emails for each package can be viewed on this page.
If you have reached the maximum number of email addresses that your package allows you to create and you would like to add new ones, it may be worthwhile changing to a hosting package that allows you to create a larger number of email addresses.
Professional email addresses can be ordered individually from your customer area. You can have a disk space quota ranging from 10 GB to 50 GB. This solution may therefore be interesting depending on your email needs.
If you have business email addresses, these will not count towards the number of email addresses available with your package, so you can order as many Pro email addresses as you like.
Please note, however, that this service is more expensive than changing your package in certain situations. So it's a good idea to check your current and future needs carefully before opting for the best solution.
Congratulations! You can now easily increase the number of email addresses in your LWS hosting package. Whether you've chosen to change your package or add professional email addresses, these simple steps will enable you to meet your growing communication needs. Don't hesitate to consult our knowledge base to resolve any problems. Make the most of your LWS services by managing your email addresses efficiently and maintaining optimum security. If you need any further assistance, our support team is always on hand to help!
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