Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address


What is Spam?

Email spam generally refers to unsolicited commercial messages sent en masse by people you don't know, although there may be exceptions to this rule.

By definition, spam is e-mail that meets the following criteria, although the list is not exhaustive:

  • Anonymity: The sender's address and identity are hidden.
  • Mass Mailing: the same e-mail is sent to a large group of people
  • Unsolicited: the e-mail is not requested by the recipients
  • No destination e-mails

In order to avoid a large number of spam e-mails, various rules are put in place on shared web hosting.

Where can I see the reason your mailbox has been blocked for spam?

You can see why your mailbox has been blocked for spam by logging into your customer area. You will see a box in red explaining the reason for the block.

Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address

How do I change my email password?

In order to reactivate your e-mail box, you will first need to change your password in your customer area.

1. To do this, log into your customer area, click on"Manage" behind the domain name concerned

Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address

2. Then click on"Email Administration" in the"Email Addresses" section.

Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address

3. Click on the"Action" button behind the email address, then on "Change password".

Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address

4. Change the Password of your email address by clicking on the "Generate " button and click on the"Validate" button to save it.

Error 521 5.7.1: Too much spam from your email address

Scanning your workstation with Anti-Virus software

Once you've changed your password, you'll need to run an anti-virus scan on your workstation to check that you don't have any viruses that could spam your inbox.


You are now able to reactivate your mailbox following the"Error 521 5.7.1 - Sender Address Rejected - Too much Spam" error from your shared hosting with LWS.

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