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Dotclear is a high-performance blog creation tool that's extremely easy to use. You'll benefit from a multilingual, multi-blog, multi-user interface. So you can create a totally personalised blog, easily and without any programming. Very popular in France, Dotclear is attracting more and more bloggers...
Dotclear is included in all Linux hosting packages.
1. Connect to your web hosting administration space and click on Lws auto-install
2. Choose DotClear 2 (Before installing Drupal, you need to create a Mysql database, which is necessary for it to work properly) and click Install.
3. Indicate whether you want DotClear to be installed at the root of your site (at the base of your site) or in a folder. (If you want to display a shop window, for example)
4. Once the installation is complete, you can access the software by clicking on the"Click here" button.
1. Go to the administration area of your DotClear site(in this form example.com/admin/) It is possible that your Dotclear site is in a sub-domain. (More explanations about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details (default username: admin and password: admin)
3. Click on the My preferences button
4. Choose your Pseudonym and your New password then click on Save.
1. Go to your DotClear administration(in this form example.com/admin/) It is possible that your DotClear site is in a sub-domain. (More information about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details (default username: admin and password: admin)
3. Click on the Blog Appearance button
4. Choose your graphic template and click on Use it.
1. Go to your DotClear administration(in this form example.com/admin/) It is possible that your Dotclear site is in a sub-domain. (More explanations about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details (default username: admin and password: admin)
3. Click on New ticket
To find out more about DotClear, you can consult the official resources:
You are now able to install and create your first articles on your Dotclear site thanks to your LWS Web hosting. Dotclear is an effective content manager for creating your blog.
Don't hesitate to share your comments and questions!
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