What are the VPS Dedicated Server limits/quotas at LWS?


What quotas are applied to dedicated servers?

Quotas (RAM memory, disk space, etc.) change regularly on our servers. Go directly to the sales site to check the latest values.

Classic VPS servers

RAM memory 2 Gb 4 GB RAM 8 GB RAM 12 GB RAM
VSWAP SSD memory 2 GB 4 GB 6 GB SSD 8 GB SSD
Disk space (SSD) included 80 GB 120 GB 160 GB 180 GB
Number of inodes 5 000 000 7 500 000 10 000 000 12 000 000
Number of Max processes 3500 5250 7 000 8750
Physical firewall rules (number of additional TCP/UDP ports) 5 10 20 30

VPS Pro servers

RAM memory 14 GB 16 GB RAM 18 GB RAM 24 GB RAM
VSWAP SSD memory 10 GB SSD 12 GB SSD 14 GB SSD 16 GB SSD
Disk space (SSD) included 200 GB 220 GB 250 GB 300 GB
Number of inodes 13 000 000 14 000 000 16 000 000 19 000 000
Number of Max processes 1 500 1 750 2 000 2 250
Physical firewall rules (number of additional TCP/UDP ports) unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited

How can I view the utilisation rate of a dedicated server?

1. Go to your LWS panel customer area and then to the administration of your VPS as follows:

What are the VPS Dedicated Server limits/quotas at LWS?

2. Once in the administration of your dedicated server you can see the quota used. (See the image below for an example)

What are the VPS Dedicated Server limits/quotas at LWS?

How do I upgrade my dedicated server package?

To increase your quota or change your package, you need to change your package. For example, if you have a VPS S package, you need to upgrade to VPS M to increase the space allocated or the memory.

1. First of all, you need to connect to your customer area and then go to the administration of your VPS like this

What are the VPS Dedicated Server limits/quotas at LWS?

2. Once there, click on change formula on the administration page of your dedicated server.

What are the VPS Dedicated Server limits/quotas at LWS?

Explanations of the different quotas

# Memory used (physpages)

This is the RAM memory that can be used inside the VPS. In the "beancounters" display, if the value of the maxheld field exceeds or approaches the limit value, the maximum value has been reached. Under these conditions, the server may experience occasional service interruptions (sites inaccessible, mail service inoperative).

If the held value reaches the limit value, then the VPS is clearly undersized for your use. The VPS becomes totally unstable and services crash one by one.

Symptoms - Exceeding this quota causes services to be stopped and messages such as :

fork: Cannot allocate memory

# Stored inode files (diskinodes)

Inodes are data structures containing information about files stored in certain file systems (particularly Linux/Unix). The number of inodes commonly corresponds to the number of files stored.

Symptoms: Exceeding this quota causes error messages such as

Disk quota exceeded

Resolution: If you use a CMS such as Prestashop or Wordpress, remember to delete the cache files, which can be very large. For Wordpress, you can use the WP Super Cache plugin; for Prestashop, empty the Smarty folder.

How do I solve the problem if my quotas are exceeded?

How do I reset my quotas to zero?

Generally, a simple server restart is enough to reset quotas. If, after restarting your server, the quotas have not been reset, stop the server completely and wait one or two minutes before starting it again. See: how to restart and shut down my server

How do I increase my quotas?

Quotas increase according to the VPS formula, for example, for VPS S the maximum number of processes is 500 whereas for VPS XL the maximum number of processes is 1250.

To change your package, simply go to your customer area and use the "change package" option.

There is no loss of data or IP address, and the change takes just a few minutes, but you will need to restart your server.

If the change does not appear immediately in your customer area, this is normal, as the change also has to be made at commercial level, so it may take a little longer.

Once the request has been made, the change will be made the same day.

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