Configure recurring SMS messages


What is a deferred SMS?

This is an SMS message scheduled to be sent at a specific date and time that you can define when you send the SMS.

How do I send a deferred SMS?

1. Log on to the SMS platform and click on the"Send recurring SMS messages" tab in the"New SMS message" section.

Configure recurring SMS messages

2. Fill in the sending form, defining the destination country and the message.

Configure recurring SMS messages

3. Click on"Time" to set the date and time for sending the SMS.

Configure recurring SMS messages

4. Choose the date and click on the clock tab to set the time for sending your SMS.

Configure recurring SMS messages

5. Set the sending time and click on the"Send" button.

Configure recurring SMS messages

How do I view, edit or delete deferred SMS messages?

1. You can view, edit and delete recurring SMS messages. To do this, once you have logged on to the SMS platform, click on the"Recurring SMS list" tab in the"Recurring SMS" section of your menu.

Configure recurring SMS messages

2. Click on the"Menu" tab to the right of the campaign and then on the"Update" tab to edit the SMS.

Configure recurring SMS messages

3. When viewing the list of recurring SMS messages, you can delete an SMS message by clicking on the button provided.

Configure recurring SMS messages

4. When you request deletion, a new window will open asking you to confirm the deletion.

Configure recurring SMS messages

Presentation of the delayed SMS sending function


You can now send a deferred SMS on the platform thanks to your SMS Pack with LWS. You can choose the date and time you want your SMS to be sent.

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