Configure delayed text messaging


What is deferred text messaging?

Delayed text messaging allows you to schedule a message to be sent to one or more recipients at a specific date and time. You can schedule several deferred SMS messages to be sent.

How do I set up deferred text messaging?

1. Log on to the SMS platform and click on"Send a deferred SMS" in the"Send a new SMS" section.

Configure delayed text messaging

2. Fill in the form to send a deferred SMS as follows:

  • Sender: choose the sender who will send the SMS
  • Country code: indicate the country to which the SMS will be sent
  • Recipient: indicate the recipient without the country code and without the mobile phone number ero

Configure delayed text messaging

3. Enter the message, tick the"Send later" box and choose the date and time to send your SMS. Click on"Send" to save your deferred sending request.

Configure delayed text messaging

How can I check the status of my deferred SMS messages?

1. Once you have logged on to the SMS platform, click on the"Campaign report" tab in the"New SMS sent" section.

Configure delayed text messaging

2. You will have access to the campaign report. Click on the "History" button to get a detailed report on the current campaign.

Configure delayed text messaging

3. Click on the "Recipient" tab to see the status of the campaign.

Configure delayed text messaging

4. The campaign status lets you know if the campaign has already been sent and/or if it is waiting to be sent. You can delete or modify the campaign.

Configure delayed text messaging

How do I send a deferred SMS?


You are now able to configure thesending of a deferred SMS with your LWSSMS Pack. When configuring the campaign, you can modify and delete it, as well as view its status.

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Questions sur l'article
PILIPILI Il y a 678 days
Bonjour equipe je voulais automatiser l'envoi sms differee dans un fichier php comment je peu proceder Svp
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 678 days


Merci de votre retour.

L'envoi de SMS en différé via l'utilisation de fichier PHP n'est malheureusement pas possible pour le moment, mais nous prenons en compte votre demande.

Par contre, il existe une manière d'exécuter un envoi de SMS en différée, via des fichiers XML ou CSV.

Pour en savoir plus, je vous invite à suivre cette documentation portant sur la configuration d'envoi de SMS via un fichier :

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Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés sur cette manipulation. (

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS 

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