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A personalised home page allows you to create a page that will be visible when a customer account is opened.
Instead of accessing the directory available on their web space via the URL of their domain name, customers will see the default page that you have defined.
You can automatically publish your home page to each new web hosting account created via WHM.
All you have to do is publish your own page in the"skeleton directory".
1. Connect to your WHM account
2. Open the "Account information" drop-down menu on the left of your screen and click on"Skeleton directory".
3. You can see the path to the directory in which you should publish your page.
If you publish an index page in this directory, all the web hosting accounts you have created (and will create) in your WHM account will have this temporary home page until a new index page is published.
You are now able to create a custom page through your WHM reseller account with LWS. You can modify your homepage at any time.
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