How can I connect as root on a dedicated VPS server with Putty?


What does root mean?

On Unix operating systems, root is the conventional name for the user who has full permissions on the system. Such a user is equivalent to an ennobled user, with superior functions and privileged access.

Why should I log on to my machine as root?

Connecting to your machine as root is equivalent to being the administrator of a Windows machine.

You can use this user to stop or restart a service or the entire server.

You can also view your logs in the event of a BUG on your server.

How do I make an SSH connection as root on my dedicated VPS server?

1. First check that you have correctly activated the SSH connection and that the firewall is not blocking the connection.

2. If these elements are verified, you can now open a terminal.

Depending on the operating system you have, the terminal is launched in different ways.

On Mac or Linux, all you have to do is open a command terminal (this program is built into these systems) and then enter the command

ssh root@YourIP address

On Windows, you need to download an SSH client such as Putty.

Once downloaded, launch the programme by clicking on this icon on your computer.

How can I connect as root on a dedicated VPS server with Putty?

You can then enter the IP address of your server in the " Host Name (or IP address)" field. There is no need to enter the port, as Putty naturally tries to connect to the default port, i.e. port 22.

How can I connect as root on a dedicated VPS server with Putty?

When you have entered the IP address, click on the"Open" button.

3. This is what you get when you attempt an SSH connection

How can I connect as root on a dedicated VPS server with Putty?

You are asked for the password that was sent to you by e-mail.

Please note that when you enter the password, NO characters are visible.

However, you can copy and paste the password by performing a standard copy operation(CTRL + C) and then right-clicking with your mouse.

Then click on the"Enter" key

You will then see this window

How can I connect as root on a dedicated VPS server with Putty?

5. You are now connected to your VPS server as root.


You are now able to connect to your VPS dedicated server using SSH software such as Putty. Warning: using certain commands may cause your VPS dedicated server to be blocked. If this happens to you, you will be forced to ask for paid facilities management.

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Questions sur l'article
Fonin Il y a 805 days
Bonjour J'aimerais savoir si l'accès root pour installer Postgresql et LibreTime est gratuit ou payant.
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 801 days
Bonjour, si vosu désirez bénéficier d'un accès ROOT, il vous sera nécessaire de souscrire à un serveur VPS. Vous pouvez prendre connaissance des formules VPS en vous rendant sur la page suivante: . L'accès ROOT est totalement gratuit, mais vous perdrez l'infogérance sur le serveur VPS.
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