PARIS domain name registration


Who can register a .PARIS domain name?

PARIS domain name registration

The .PARIS domain name is open to EVERYONE!

Whether you are an individual or a company, whether you live in the Paris region or not, you can register your own .PARIS domain name!

PARIS is open on a "first come, first served" basis, so there's no need to wait to protect your domain name and take advantage of numerous opportunities with high added-value domain names!

What are the technical specifications for .PARIS?

  • The domain name must be between 2 and 63 characters long
  • Letters from A to Z are accepted, as well as numbers from 0 to 9 and the hyphen -.
  • It cannot begin or end with a hyphen -.
  • Several hundred .PARIS domain names have been placed as premium names and will be allocated specifically by the registry.

Why register a .PARIS domain name?

Do you have a business in Paris? Register your .PARIS domain name before someone else does!

The opportunities are endless, check out the availability of hundreds of high added value .PARIS domains such as :

meilleur-bar.PARIS, meilleur-restaurant.PARIS, bon-restaurant.PARIS, bons-plans.PARIS, sortir-pas-cher.PARIS, diner-pas-cher.PARIS, ou-sortir.PARIS, loisirs-pas-chers.PARIS, boutique-vetements.PARIS, boutique-chaussures.PARIS, meilleur-coiffeur.PARIS, coiffeur-pas-cher.PARIS, esthetique-pas-cher.PARIS, onglerie-pas-cher.PARIS, meilleur-chocolat.PARIS, pizzeria-pas-cher.PARIS, meilleure-pizzeria.PARIS, voyance-pas-cher.PARIS, concessionnaire-automobile.PARIS, reparation-auto.PARIS....

There are many advantages to registering a .PARIS domain name:

  • A geolocation tool: The .PARIS domain name allows you to create a community of consumers, service providers and administrations in the capital. With a .PARIS domain name, you can target all the inhabitants of the Paris region and its many visitors!
  • Optimising web referencing: Search engines give priority to local results, so your .PARIS website has every chance of appearing in a good position!
  • Affirmation of your identity: If you represent a local business (bar, restaurant, hotel, hairdresser or other shop) based in the capital, the .PARIS extension will be essential.
  • Opening up to the international market: Paris is a world-famous city, attracting a large number of visitors who are attracted by its high-quality image!

How do I register a .PARIS domain name?

Go to our website now to register your .PARIS domain name!

Simply follow the order steps, then make your payment online by credit card or paypal, or by cheque, bank transfer, etc.

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