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Prestashop is a fantastic platform for managing your E-shop. If you've already opted for this solution with our E-commerce packages, this article is for you.
If not, what are you waiting for to order a Prestashop E-commerce shop?
In this article, we assume that you have already installed your shop on your dedicated VPS server.
Here are the different points we will cover:
1. Connecting to the Prestashop panel
2. Adding a Prestashop theme
3. Add a payment methodin Prestashop
4. Adding a product with Prestashop
Note: The version used in this article is Prestashop 1.6.
1. Go to the Prestashop administration page.
In general, this is always as follows: http://le name of your website/admin_presta.
For example: https://maboutique.fr/admin_presta
2. Enter the password andusername for your Prestashop account, then click on Connect.
3. This will take you to the Prestashop shop dashboard
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1. Click on Preferences, then Themes
2. In the top right-hand menu, click on "Add a theme".
3. You can then add the Zip file containing the theme for your website by clicking on the"add a file" button.
1. Click on the"Module" button, then "Payment".
2. On the right-hand side, click on"Install".
3. You can then set up your "Paypal" account in this example by following the instructions.
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