How do I access HestiaCP on my dedicated VPS server?


What is Hestia Control Panel?

Hestia Control Panel is an open-source interface for simplified server management. Inspired by the popular Vesta Control Panel, HestiaCP is designed to make it easy to manage multi-site web servers on Linux. Its user interface, translated into several languages, is intuitive and user-friendly. It enables users to easily manage their web servers, databases and email services, without requiring in-depth technical skills in systems administration.

You can manage your sites, databases (particularly MySQL, but also postgreSQL) and mail servers directly from your favourite browser, offering maximum flexibility and accessibility. HestiaCP optimises the use of server resources and improves the performance of hosted sites. To discover all its features, you can access an online demonstration on the Hestia Control Panel website.

How do I access HestiaCP?

  • Go to

(Note: vpsXXXX should be replaced by your VPS number, for example:

How do I access HestiaCP on my dedicated VPS server?

  • Enter your user name ("admin" if you have not created one yourself) then click Next.
  • Enter the associated password. (Sent by email for the "admin" user when the VPS is delivered).

You are now connected to your hestia Control Panel.

How do I access HestiaCP on my dedicated VPS server?

I no longer have access to connect to HestiaCP, how do I get it back?

As the VPS is supplied with SSH root access, you can change the password using a tool provided by the panel. Here's how to do it:

Connecting to your VPS via SSH on Windows:

  • To connect to your VPS via SSH on Windows, you can use an SSH client such as PuTTY.
  • Download and install PuTTY on your Windows computer. You can download it from this link.
  • Open PuTTY, and in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field, enter the IP address of your VPS.

How do I access HestiaCP on my dedicated VPS server?

  • The default port for SSH is 22, unless you've changed it.
  • Click "Open" to establish the connection.
  • When prompted, enter the username and password for your VPS. These are not the same as the ones you will change for Hestia.

  1. Changing the password using the Hestia command:

    • Once you have connected to your VPS via SSH, you can use the Hestia command to change the password.
    • Type the following command: /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-change-user-password USER NEW_PASSWORD
    • Replace USER with the username for which you wish to change the password.
    • Replace NEW_PASSWORD with the new password you wish to define.

How do I access HestiaCP on my dedicated VPS server?

  1. Executing the command:

    • Press the "Enter" key after typing the command.
    • If all goes well, the command will execute the password change without displaying an error message.
  2. Checking:

    • To verify that the password has been changed, you can try logging in to Hestia Control Panel with the new user and password.


You now know how to :

  • Identify Hestia Control Panel as an effective open-source solution for managing web servers.
  • Access HestiaCP using your VPS number and log in with your username and password.
  • Change your user space password using an SSH command if necessary.

Well done 👏 ! You now have all the keys you need to manage your server easily and efficiently. Don't forget that HestiaCP's user-friendly interface is designed to make your web administration experience easier, even without advanced technical skills.

Thank you for reading this article 📘. If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with Hestia Control Panel, please feel free to leave a comment below. Your feedback is invaluable to us and to the community!

To discover high-performance, ready-to-use hosting solutions, check out our offers for turnkey VPS servers equipped with HestiaCP. Click here 👉 Discover our HestiaCP offers.

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