Using Borg Backup for your backups



Borg Backup is a deduplicated backup program that provides data compression and authenticated encryption. It is designed to provide an efficient and secure way of backing up data, with a deduplication technique that makes it suitable for everyday backups.


  • A Linux/Unix operating system.
  • Python 3.8.0 or higher.
  • Administrator rights on the machine where the backup will be performed.


Via the package manager

# On Debian/Ubuntu apt install borgbackup # On Fedora dnf install borgbackup # On Arch Linux pacman -S borg

For other distributions, please consult the official Borg documentation for specific commands.

Standalone installation

Download the binary compatible with your system from the Borg GitHub releases page and follow the instructions to make it executable.

From source

  1. Install the necessary dependencies such as Python, OpenSSL and development headers.
  2. Use pip to install Borg Backup.

Initial configuration

Initialise your backup repository with the following command:

borg init -e repokey /path/to/depot

Creating backups

Create a backup archive by running :

borg create /path/vers/depot::ArchiveName /path/vers/data


To restore from a backup archive :

borg extract /path/to/depot::ArchiveName

Automating backups

Use cron or systemd to schedule your backups regularly.


Clean up old backups with the borg prune command and check the integrity of archives with borg check.


For detailed instructions and to resolve common problems, please consult the official Borg Backup documentation and FAQ.

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