The LWS Panel lets you change the password for your backup package. However, it is advisable to make your password secure to prevent anyone with malicious intent from accessing your interface and stored data. We advise you to use special characters, numbers and letters in your password.
When choosing your new backup formula password , we advise you not to use any personal information such as your surname, first name or date of birth.
LWS Panel will automatically generate a strong password for you.
1. log in to the administration of your Web package. To do so
2. Click on the Online Storage tab (1) and then on the Manage button (2).
3. Click on the "Change Password" button in the "Hosting Management" section.
3. Change the password for your backup package by clicking on "Generate" (1) and click on "Validate" (2).
You can now change the password for your backup package. We recommend that you use a password that includes a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
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