How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?


What is reCAPTCHA?

reCAPTCHA was designed in 2009 to check that you are a real person and not a robot. It makes it possible to send your form securely, thereby preventing SPAM from being sent. One of the most popular extensions for contact forms is Contact Form 7, which has an add-on module that lets you add a CAPTCHA system to your form in just a few clicks.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress contact form?

1. Log into your Wordpress dashboard, click on"Extensions" and then on"Add".

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

2. Search for the"Contact Form 7 Captcha" module and click on the"Install" button.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

3. Activate the extension by clicking on the"Activate" button that has replaced the"Install" button.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

4. You will be redirected to the list of extensions installed on your Wordpress site. Find the"Contact Form 7 Captcha" module that you have just installed and click on the"Setting" tab just below this module.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

5. Click on the"here" tab to go to Google's reCaptcha page. This page will allow you to configure your extension.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

6. On the Google page, there is a form to fill in. You need to fill it in as follows:

  • Label: enter the name of your website
  • Select the type of reCAPTCHA to be used: you have three options: The most commonly used reCAPTCHA is the checkbox. However, you can choose invisible reCAPTCHA and Android reCAPTCHA (specially designed for Android devices).
  • Domains: enter the domain(s) to which the reCAPTCHA should be applied.
  • Please accept the terms of use: you will need to tick this box before you can validate the application form.

Then click on the"Save" button.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

7. Two keys will be generated: the website key and the secret key. These two keys are needed to finalise the configuration of your reCAPTCHA extension.

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?

8. Return to your Wordpress Dashboard and fill in the three fields as follows:

  • Site Key: Enter the site key Google reCAPTCHA generated for your website
  • Secret Key: Enter the secret key generated by Google
  • Invalid captcha error message: Enter an error message if the captcha is incorrect.

Finally, click on the"Save Setting" button

How do I add a Captcha to a Wordpress form?


You are now able to insert a captcha on your Wordpress form. reCAPTCHA will identify whether it is a robot or a real person and will preventspam being sent via your Wordpress hosting.

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Questions sur l'article
ppere42 Il y a 861 days
Bonjour, Et vous, vous utilisez quelle version de Captcha? Bon article ! Bye
See the
2 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 860 days
Bonjour, lors de la configuration de Captcha sur Wordpress, je vous invite à remplir sur le site Google, le formulaire pour la version captcha V3.
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